
Feeling Sluggish and Out of Shape? It Could Be Low Testosterone

Remember the days when you could hit the gym with boundless energy, hit that daily calorie mark, and feel like your best self?

Maybe lately, getting out of bed feels like a chore, that afternoon slump hits harder, and the mirror isn’t reflecting the physique you used to have. These changes might not be due to laziness or a slowing metabolism—they could be signs of low testosterone.

Testosterone is the main male sex hormone. It plays a critical role in more than just your sex drive. It influences muscle mass, bone density, energy levels, mood, and even cognitive function.

When testosterone levels dip below the healthy range, it can affect your entire well-being. Restore them to normal levels by joining our Low T Program in San Angelo.

If you need more convincing, keep reading to see how low testosterone can manifest and negatively impact your quality of life.

Losing Your Libido

This is often the most well-known symptom, and for good reason. A decline in sex drive can be a major blow to confidence and intimacy in relationships. You might experience a decrease in sexual thoughts and desires or find it difficult to initiate intimacy.

Fatigue From Dawn Till Dusk

Feeling constantly tired and lacking the motivation to tackle the day can be a significant sign of low testosterone. This hormone helps regulate sleep patterns and energy production.

When levels are low, sleep can become fragmented, leading to daytime fatigue and a struggle to concentrate.

Packing on Pounds and Losing Muscle

Have you noticed an increase in body fat, particularly around the belly, and a decrease in muscle definition? This frustrating shift in body composition can be a telltale sign of low testosterone levels.

This hormone helps build and maintain muscle mass while also promoting fat burning. With lower levels, the body becomes less efficient at burning calories and more likely to store fat.

Mood Swings and Irritability

A Visibly Frustrated Man with Low Testosterone on the Phone While Using a Notebook

Do you ever feel like you’re on an emotional rollercoaster?

Low testosterone can contribute to mood swings, irritability, and even symptoms of depression. This is because it plays a role in regulating neurotransmitters, the brain chemicals that influence mood and emotional well-being.

Cognitive Decline

While not as widely recognized, some research suggests a link between low testosterone and cognitive decline, including memory problems and difficulty concentrating.

These symptoms, individually or combined, can significantly impact your quality of life. They can affect your relationships, work performance, and overall sense of well-being. You might find yourself withdrawing from activities you used to enjoy, feeling less connected to your partner, or struggling at work due to fatigue and brain fog.

The good news is that you don’t have to accept these changes as inevitable. If you suspect you might have low testosterone, there are effective treatment options available. InShapeMD‘s testosterone therapy offers a comprehensive approach to addressing this issue.

Our program starts with a thorough evaluation, including blood tests to assess testosterone levels and identify any underlying medical conditions. We then work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that might include testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) in the form of injections.

Don’t let low testosterone hold you back from feeling and living your best. Take charge of your health and reclaim your vitality.

Contact us today to learn more about our Low T Program.


We are passionate about empowering people in their weight loss journey. Experience real transformation with InShapeMD in San Angelo, Texas. Schedule a FREE consultation to get started today.